Families of Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire,England

John Dunsby-6606 was born before 1680 in , England. He was buried on 6 Jul 1748 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He married Frances-6605 before 1700.

KNOWN from baptism of children. Surname spelled Dunsbee is earlier

BURIAL: from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here. This date matches with record of the burial of his widow.

Frances-6605 was born before 1680 in , England. She was buried on 14 Dec 1760 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She married John Dunsby-6606 before 1700.

KNOWN: from baptism of children. First name spelled normally Francees and once Francess.

BURIAL: Stoke Bruerne Parish Church. Northants Record Off.Ref 303P/17 - no numbers given here. widow of Stoke.

They had the following children:

  M i William Dunsby-3175 was christened on 24 Sep 1699 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne parish records NRO ref. 303p/17, no numbers here.
  M ii John Dunsbee-6609 was christened on 3 Aug 1701 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He died before 1703.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.

DEATH date from re-use of name for his brother.
  M iii John Dunsbee-6608 was christened on 27 Sep 1703 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.
  M iv Francis Dunsbee-6607
  M v Thomas Dunsbee-6610 was christened on 27 Mar 1709 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He was buried about 31 Aug 1710 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.

BURIAL from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here. date blank so taken from record above.
  F vi Sarah Dunsby-6611 was christened on 15 Sep 1712 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.
  M vii Thomas Dunsbee-6612 was christened on 24 Jul 1715 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here. Birth date given here.

William Field-6614 was born before 1696 in , England. He married Mary-6613 before 1716.

KNOWN from the baptism of children.

Mary-6613 was born before 1696 in , England. She married William Field-6614 before 1716.

KNOWN from the baptism of children.

They had the following children:

  F i Elizabeth Field-6615 was born on 10 Feb 1716/1717. She was christened on 12 Feb 1716/1717 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here. Birth date given here.
  F ii Mary Field-6616 was born on 14 Dec 1718. She was christened on 21 Dec 1718 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here. Birth date given here.

Thomas Field-6618 was born before 1690 in , England. He was buried on 18 Aug 1728 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He married Sarah-6617 before 1710.

KNOWN from baptism of his children.

BURIAL: Parish Records from Northampton Record Office - Ref. 303p/17. He is recorded here as Thomas junior of Stoke.

Sarah-6617 was born before 1690 in , England. She was buried on 29 Oct 1769 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She married Thomas Field-6618 before 1710.

KNOWN: from baptism of her children.

BURIAL: Stoke Bruerne Parish Church. Northants Record Off.Ref 303P/17 - no numbers given here. widow of Stoke.

They had the following children:

  F i Sarah Field-6623 was christened on 2 Nov 1707 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She was buried on 27 Aug 1715 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM: Parish Records from Northampton Record Office - Ref. 303p/17.

BURIAL: Stoke Bruerne Parish Church. Northants Record Off.Ref 303P/17 - no numbers given here.
  F ii Elizabeth Field-6624 was christened on 11 Oct 1710 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She was buried on 27 Jan 1740/1741 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here. Surname spelled Fields.

BURIAL: from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here. Listed as daughter of Sarah, which matches the earlier death of her father.
  M iii John Field-6619 was born on 24 Jan 1712/1713. He was christened on 25 Jan 1712/1713 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.
  F iv Mary Field-6620 was born on 20 Aug 1714. She was christened on 21 Aug 1714 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She was buried on 21 Feb 1719/1720 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.

BURIAL: Parish Records from Northampton Record Office - Ref. 303p/17.
Daughter of Thomas jnr. and Sarah.
  M v Mathew Field-6621 was born on 26 Jan 1716/1717. He was christened on 27 Jan 1716/1717 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.
  F vi Sarah Field-6622 was born on 16 Feb 1718/1719. She was christened on 18 Feb 1718/1719 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM: from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here. Birth date given here.
  M vii Thomas Field-7190 was christened on 28 May 1721 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here. The month may be wrong.
  F viii Martha Field-7080 was christened on 29 Mar 1724 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM: Parish Records from Northampton Record Office - Ref. 303p/17.

Thomas Field-6626 was born before 1673 in , England. He was buried on 25 Aug 1728 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He married Jane-6625 before 1692.

KNOWN from baptism of his children.

BURIAL: Parish Records from Northampton Record Office - Ref. 303p/17. He is recorded here as Thomas of Stoke.

Jane-6625 was born before 1673 in , England. She was buried on 31 Jan 1748/1749 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She married Thomas Field-6626 before 1692.

BURIAL: Parish Records from Northampton Record Office - Ref. 303p/17. Listed as a poor widow of Stoke Bruerne.

They had the following children:

  F i Mary Field-6628 was born about 1692 in <Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England>. She was buried on 19 Oct 1714 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BIRTH: date from burial age.

BURIAL: Stoke Bruerne Parish Church. Northants Record Off.Ref 303P/17 - no numbers given here. She is also listed on a joint gravestone with the sister Elizabeth. The day of death is unreadable, the age is given and is probably 22 years. See entry 38 in book.
  F ii Elizabeth Field-6627 was born about 1698 in <Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England>. She died on 20 Jan 1714. She was buried on 20 Jan 1714/1715 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BIRTH date from age of 16 at death as shown on gravestone.

DEATH from gravestone (see no. 38 in book) where she is listed with her sister Mary.

BURIAL: Stoke Bruerne Parish Church. Northants Record Off.Ref 303P/17 - no numbers given here.
  F iii Sarah Field-6506

Joseph Fox-6630 was born before 1680 in , England. He married Emma-6629 before 1700.

KNOWN from baptism of children. Living in Shitlanger.

Emma-6629 was born before 1680 in , England. She married Joseph Fox-6630 before 1700.

KNOWN from baptism of children.

They had the following children:

  M i Joseph Fox-6632 was christened on 9 Mar 1700/1701 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.
  M ii Benjamin Fox-6631 was christened on 8 Jan 1704/1705 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here. of Shitlanger
  M iii Samuel Fox-6633 was born on 12 Mar 1709/1710. He was christened on 12 Mar 1709/1710 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.

George Gardner-6635 was born before 1694 in , England. He was buried on 27 Jun 1737 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He married Parthenia-6634 before 1714.

KNOWN from records of children.

BURIAL: Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/17. Listed as a poor labourer.

Parthenia-6634 was born before 1694 in , England. She was buried on 16 Feb 1757 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She married George Gardner-6635 before 1714.

KNOWN from records of children.

BURIAL: Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/17. Listed as a widow of Shitl.

They had the following children:

  M i George Gardner-6636 was christened on 2 Feb 1714/1715 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He was buried on 20 Feb 1714/1715 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.

BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11.
numbers are not given in this register.
  F ii Parthenia Gardner-6637 was born on 23 Feb 1715/1716. She was christened on 26 Feb 1715/1716 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She was buried on 7 Jun 1716 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here. Birth date given here.

BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11.
numbers are not given in this register.
  M iii William Gardner-6644
  M iv George Garner-7081 was christened on 14 Jul 1720 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM: Parish Records from Northampton Record Office - Ref. 303p/17.
  M v Robert Garner-7083 was christened on 4 Aug 1723 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM: Parish Records from Northampton Record Office - Ref. 303p/17.
  M vi Thomas Garner-7082 was christened on 24 Apr 1726 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM: Parish Records from Northampton Record Office - Ref. 303p/17.
  M vii John Garner-7084 was christened on 12 Oct 1729 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM: Parish Records from Northampton Record Office - Ref. 303p/17.
  F viii Parthenia Garner-5896

Thomas Gardner-6639 was born before 1694 in , England. He was buried on 24 Feb 1769 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He married Martha Hobson-6638 on 14 Nov 1714 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

MARRIAGE: Stoke Bruerne Par. Church. Northants Record Off.f.303P/17. - no numbers given here.

NOTE from Northampton Hospital Admission Book from the Grafton Regis CD Thomas Garner age 57, was admitted in July 1749, at the recommendation of Mrs Arundel with broken ribs, he discharged 30 Sep.

BURIAL: Stoke Bruerne Par. Church. Northants Record Off.f.303P/17. - no numbers given here. of Shutlanger.

Martha Hobson-6638 was born before 1694 in , England. She married Thomas Gardner-6639 on 14 Nov 1714 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

MARRIAGE Stoke Bruerne Par. Church. Northants Record Off.f.303P/17. - no numbers given here.

They had the following children:

  M i John Gardner-6641 was born on 13 Oct 1715. He was christened on 30 Oct 1715 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here. Birth date given here.
  F ii Jane Gardner-6640 was christened on 13 Nov 1716 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.

Anne Gostick-6189 [Parents] was christened on 18 Oct 1741 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She was buried on 8 Jun 1765 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM: Parish Records from Northampton Record Office - Ref. 303p/17.

BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/17.
numbers are not given in this register.

She had the following children:

  M i John Gostick-7465 was christened on 2 Jun 1765 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He was buried on 27 Aug 1765 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM: Parish Records from Northampton Record Office - Ref. 303p/17.
listed here at at burial as natural son of Anne of Stoke. But it may not be this Anne, though she died shortly after his baptism, maybe from compications in childbirth.

BURIAL: Stoke Bruerne Par. Church. Northants Record Off.f.303P/17. - no numbers given here.

William Gardner-6644 [Parents] was born on 13 Aug 1717. He was christened on 15 Aug 1717 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He was buried on 19 Aug 1747 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He married Eleanor Winkles-6645 on 3 Oct 1746 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.

MARRIAGE from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here. both of the parish.

BURIAL: Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/17. Listed as of Shitlanger.

Eleanor Winkles-6645 [Parents] was born on 22 Oct 1714. She was christened on 21 Nov 1714 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She was buried on 15 Feb 1771 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She married William Gardner-6644 on 3 Oct 1746 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.

MARRIAGE from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here. both of the parish.

NOTE from Northampton Hospital Admission Book from the Grafton Regis CD at age 63, a resident of Shutlanger, was admitted in Mar 1768, no further details given. Age is a little high but it is probably her.

BURIAL from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here. Widow of Shutlanger. Surname Garner here not Gardner.

NOTE: named Ellen at baptism of daughter Mary.

They had the following children:

  F i Mary Garner-7461 was christened on 9 Aug 1747 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.

John Winkles-6646 was born before 1690 in , England. He was buried on 10 Jul 1754 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He married Mary Kingston-6647 on 7 Apr 1708 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

MARRIAGE Stoke Bruerne Par. Church. Northants Record Off.f.303P/17. - no numbers given here.

BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/17. Numbers are not given in this register. Of Shitlanger.

Mary Kingston-6647 [Parents] was christened on 12 Jun 1692 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She was buried on 16 Oct 1739 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She married John Winkles-6646 on 7 Apr 1708 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

MARRIAGE Stoke Bruerne Par. Church. Northants Record Off.f.303P/17. - no numbers given here. of Shutlanger.

NOTE: Ann Garfield says this is the Mary baptised in SB 12 July 1692. Child of Matthew Kingston & Elizabeth. Mentioned in Matthew's will in 1730.

BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11. Numbers are not given in this register. Wife of John.

They had the following children:

  M i John Winkles-6648 was born on 28 Nov 1710. He was christened on 3 Dec 1710 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He was buried on 17 Jan 1710/1711 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.

BURIAL from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.
  M ii Thomas Winkles-6649 was christened on 5 Apr 1713 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here. birth date given but unclear.
  F iii Eleanor Winkles-6645
  M iv William Winkles-6650 was christened on 20 Jan 1716/1717 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He was buried on 18 May 1718 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.

BURIAL: from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.
  M v John Winkles-7421 was christened on 10 Jun 1722 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here. The month is not sure.
  M vi William Winkle-7420 was christened on 7 Jun 1724 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.

NOTE from Northampton Hospital Admission Book from the Grafton Regis CD at age25, a William Winkles , resident of Shutlanger, was admitted in Dec 1749, at the recommendation of Mrs Arundel with , he had been asthmatick (sic) for 3 years, he was discharged on 3 Feb 1749/50 as cured. He was admitted on Sep 1750 with Dropsy for 3 years previous, He discharged himself on the 29th.
  M vii Daniel Winkles-7419 was christened on 12 Mar 1726/1727 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He was buried on 17 Jun 1728 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.

BAPTISM from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.

BURIAL from Stoke Bruerne Parish records from Northamptonshire Record
Office 303P/17 - no numbers given here.

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