William Birch-5172 was born before 1760 in , England. He married Sarah-5173 before 1781.
KNOWN from baptism of his children, he was living in Stoke Bruerne.
Sarah-5173 was born before 1760 in , England. She married William Birch-5172 before 1781.
KNOWN from baptism of her children.
They had the following children:
William Black-5177 [Parents] was christened on 7 Oct 1753 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He married Elisabeth Carter-5176 on 28 Nov 1774 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
BAPTISM Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/17. numbers are not given in this register.
MARRIAGE Stoke Bruerne Parish Ch. Northants Rec.Off.no. 303P/20 no.85. Shoemaker of the parish.
NOTE a William Black is listed in the 1777 Militia list of Shutlanger (also that of Stoke Bruerne), as recorded in the Grafton Regis CD. This includes all men born from about 1732 to about 1759. He was listed as a shoemaker.
NOTE at the baptism of his children he was living in Stoke Bruerne.
NOTE when his wife and daughter were buried at Stoke Bruerne they are listed as living in Roade. (1780, 1784). See also the records of a William Black in the Roade records.
Elisabeth Carter-5176 was born before 1755 in , England. She was buried on 27 May 1784 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She married William Black-5177 on 28 Nov 1774 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
MARRIAGE Stoke Bruerne Parish Ch. Northants Rec.Off.no. 303P/20 no.85. Spinster of the parish.
BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11. numbers are not given in this register. listed as wife of William of Roade.
They had the following children:
William Carter-5181 was born before 1756 in , England. He was buried on 22 Oct 1811 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He married Susannah Wickens-5180 on 14 Jan 1777 in Blisworth, Northamptonshire, England.
KNOWN from the baptism of his children, living in Shutlanger, listed as a pauper in 1786 & 1792.
MARRIAGE from Bishop's Transcripts of Blisworth at NRO. reported to me by John Moore of NZ.
BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11. numbers are not given in this register.
Susannah Wickens-5180 [Parents] was christened on 29 Apr 1750 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She married William Carter-5181 on 14 Jan 1777 in Blisworth, Northamptonshire, England.
BAPTISM: Stoke Bruerne Par. Church. Northants Record Off.f.303P/17. - no numbers given here.
NOTE originally from baptism of her children, but the linkage of the Sussannah who was baptised is probable.
MARRIAGE reported by John Moore of NZ from the Bishop's Transcripts of Blisworth parish as found in the NRO. She was listed as of Ashton.
CENSUS 1821 of Shutlanger (gives only rounded ages), page 2, aged 70, living only with her daughter.
They had the following children:
F i Mary Carter-5184 was christened on 13 Apr 1777 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
BAPTISM Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11. numbers are not given in this register.
NOTE: a Mary Carter was in the Tiffield census in 1851, page 3.F ii Ann Carter-2956 M iii Samuel Carter-5185 was christened on 27 May 1781 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He died on 21 Sep 1859.
BAPTISM Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11. numbers are not given in this register.
NOTE Sylvia Carter of New Zealand (email Nov 2005) says that he married 20 Oct 1833 to Mary Bond/Band? She died 21 Sep 1859 aged 58.M iv Joseph Carter-2379 F v Elizabeth Carter-5182 was christened on 31 Dec 1786 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
BAPTISM Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11. numbers are not given in this register.
CENSUS 1821 of Shutlanger (gives only rounded ages), page 2, aged 30, living with her mother.M vi George Carter-5183 was christened on 12 Jul 1789 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He was buried on 30 Aug 1789 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
BAPTISM Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11. numbers are not given in this register.
BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11. numbers are not given in this register.M vii Benjamin Carter-2299
William Clark-5186 was born before 1748 in , England. He was buried on 18 Oct 1789 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He married Elisabeth Bass-5187 on 6 Apr 1768 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
MARRIAGE Stoke Bruerne Parish Ch. Northants Rec.Off.no. 303P/20 no.54. A farmer of the parish. By licence.
NOTE at the baptism of his children he lived in Stoke Bruerne.
BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11. numbers are not given in this register.
Elisabeth Bass-5187 [Parents] was christened on 29 Sep 1744 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She was buried on 18 Mar 1808 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She married William Clark-5186 on 6 Apr 1768 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
BAPTISM: Parish Records from Northamptonshire Record Off. Ref303p/17.
MARRIAGE Stoke Bruerne Parish Ch. Northants Rec.Off.no. 303P/20 no.54. A spinster of the parish.
BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11. numbers are not given in this register.
NOTE: it is not certain that the baptismal and marriage records are for the same person, but it is probable.
They had the following children:
F i Anne Clarke-5976 was christened on 18 May 1770 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She was buried on 10 Aug 1770 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
BAPTISM: Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/17. numbers are not given in this register.
BURIAL: Stoke Bruerne Parish Church. Northants Record Off.Ref 303P/17 - no numbers given here.M ii William Clarke-5977 was christened on 7 Oct 1771 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
BAPTISM Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/17. numbers are not given in this register.M iii Joseph Clarke-5978 M iv John Clarke-5979 was christened on 13 Nov 1773 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
BAPTISM Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/17. numbers are not given in this register.F v Elisabeth Clarke-5188 F vi Mary Clark-3673 was christened on 30 Jul 1778 in Stoke Bruerne, Northants, England. She was buried on 21 Jun 1783 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
BAPTISM Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11. numbers are not given in this register.
BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11. numbers are not given in this register.F vii Barbara Clarke-2768 F viii Anne Clarke-5189 was christened on 25 Mar 1785 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She was buried on 22 Mar 1832 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
BAPTISM Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11. numbers are not given in this register.
CENSUS 1821 of Shutlanger (gives only rounded ages), page 11, aged 30, living with sister Barbara.
BURIAL: Stoke Bruerne Par. Church, NRO Ref 303p/12, no.305. Aged 46 of Shutlanger. - spelled Ann Clarke.
Thomas Curtis-2932 was born about 1767 in , Northants, England. He died on 26 May 1849. He was buried on 29 May 1849 in Stoke Bruerne, Northants, England. He married Barbara Kingston-5192 on 13 Sep 1786 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
Other marriages:Lyman, Sophia
MARRIAGE Stoke Bruerne Parish Ch. Northants Rec.Off.no. 303P/20 no.136. Bachelor of the parish.
MARRIAGE Stoke Bruerne Parish Ch. Northants Rec.Off.no. 303P/18 no.52, he was a widower at this marriage.
CENSUS 1821 of Shutlanger (gives only rounded ages), page 7, aged 50.
CENSUS 1841 Shutlanger, Northants. Film no. 438873, page 3. Age 78, Occupation agricultural labourer, Born in county.
DEATH recorded on gravestone (book no.85).
BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/12 no.642 age 86.
Barbara Kingston-5192 [Parents] was christened on 27 Sep 1764 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She died on 23 Mar 1797 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She was buried on 26 Mar 1797 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She married Thomas Curtis-2932 on 13 Sep 1786 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
BAPTISM Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/17. numbers are not given in this register.
MARRIAGE Stoke Bruerne Parish Ch. Northants Rec.Off.no. 303P/20 no.136. Spinster of the parish.
DEATH from an old record of a grave stone probably no 116 below. Age 32. Reported by Ann Garfield.
BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11. numbers are not given in this register. There is a gravestone for Brabara, wife of Thomas Curtis, but the date is illegible, see no. 116.
They had the following children:
F i Susanah Curtis-5692 was born in <1787> in <Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England>. She was buried on 15 Oct 1786 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11.
numbers are not given in this register.
The residence is Shutlanger.
F ii Elisabeth Curtis-3529 F iii Lucy Curtis-3537 M iv William Curtis-3002
Samuel Durrant-5196 was born before 1765 in , England. He married Mary-5195 before 1783.
KNOWN from the baptism of his children. He was listed as a pauper in 1788.
NOTE there is a burial of a Samuel Durrant aged 84 on 17 oct 1837. Maybe it is him; if so he was born about 1753.
Mary-5195 was born before 1765 in , England. She was buried on 21 Jun 1801 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She married Samuel Durrant-5196 before 1783.
KNOWN from the baptism of her children.
BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11.
numbers are not given in this register.
They had the following children:
F i Mary Anne Durrant-4391 F ii Barbara Durrant-5199 was christened on 5 Feb 1786 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She was buried on 16 Feb 1786 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
BAPTISM Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11.
numbers are not given in this register.
BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11.
numbers are not given in this register.
M iii George Durrant-5696 was born before 1787 in , , England. He was buried on 13 Jan 1787 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11. numbers are not given in this register.M iv John Durrant-5197 F v Charlotte Durrant-5200 was christened on 14 Nov 1790 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She was buried on 15 Dec 1793 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
BAPTISM Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11.
numbers are not given in this register.
BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11.
numbers are not given in this register.
F vi Amelia Durrant-5198 was christened on 8 Sep 1793 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
BAPTISM Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11.
numbers are not given in this register.
James Elmes-5202 was born before 1771 in , England. He married Hannah-5201 before 1792.
KNOWN from the baptism of his children, he was living in Shutlanger.
Hannah-5201 was born before 1771 in , England. She married James Elmes-5202 before 1792.
KNOWN from the baptism of her children.
They had the following children:
William Evans-5206 was born before 1756 in , England. He was buried on 29 Nov 1809 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He married Elizabeth-5205 on 21 Oct 1776 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
MARRIAGE Stoke Bruerne Parish Ch. Northants Rec.Off.no. 303P/20 no.92. A labourer of the parish.
NOTE a William Evines is listed in the 1777 Militia list of Shutlanger (also that of Stoke Bruerne), as recorded in the Grafton Regis CD. This includes all men born from about 1732 to about 1759. He was listed as a labourer, who was lame of one hand.
NOTE at the baptism of his children he was living in Stoke Bruerne.
BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11. numbers are not given in this register. The entry is for "William Evans the elder."
Elizabeth-5205 was born before 1756 in , England. She married William Evans-5206 on 21 Oct 1776 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England.
Other marriages:Siddal,
MARRIAGE Stoke Bruerne Parish Ch. Northants Rec.Off.no. 303P/20 no.92.
A widow of the parish.
They had the following children:
F i Ann Evans-5154 M ii William Evans-2508
John Fuller-5214 was born before 1769 in , England. He was buried on 22 Mar 1793 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. He married Elizabeth-2960 before 1790.
KNOWN from baptism of sons, when he was living in Stoke Bruerne.
BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11.
numbers are not given in this register.
listed as widower of Stoke.
Elizabeth-2960 was born before 1769 in , England. She was buried on 25 Jul 1792 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She married John Fuller-5214 before 1790.
KNOWN from baptism of sons.
BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11.
numbers are not given in this register.
They had the following children:
Ann Gillett-5630 [Parents] was christened on 10 Oct 1763 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She was buried on 23 Aug 1807 in Stoke Bruerne, Northamptonshire, England. She was not married.
Other marriages:Burton, Samuel
BAPTISM Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/17. numbers are not given in this register.
MARRIAGE Stoke Bruerne Parish Ch. Northants Rec.Off.no. 303P/20 no.160. of the parish. If the record of baptism of a natural son applies to her, then she was married the same day he was baptised.
BURIAL Stoke Bruerne Par.Church, Northants Rec.Off.Ref.303P/11. numbers are not given in this register.
She had the following children:
M i Thomas Gillett-5224