Ancestors of Jean Toussirot
descendants of Thomas Toussirot

This set of pages was started to show the ancestors of Jean Toussirot (1928-1990), my sister's husband at the suggestion of her daughter Maryline.

I have been assisted by her and by Patrick Toussirot of New Caledonia, who is also descended from the same ancestor, Thomas Toussirot, born around 1635 in Essômes-sur-Marne (Aisne,France).

There are currently 650 names in this file, as the Jouy ancestors of Jean's mother, from Beauquesne (Somme), have now also been added.

I apologise that at this stage only this page and the main Toussirot page have been translated into French, the translation being the work of Patrick.

Main Toussirot page
Other family pages